Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 46, July 4

I finally figured out why Menopausal Women are weary, especially Mormon Menopausal Women.   We MMWs are tired because of the hymns we sing.

What, you protest?  Hymns make us tired?  Never.  They inspire.  They uplift.  They motivate.

Let's examine the evidence:

First we are CALLED TO SERVE.   At the same time, we are told to CHOOSE THE RIGHT.  Then we're asked HAVE I DONE ANY GOOD.  If that weren't enough, we are reminded to IMPROVE THE SHINING MOMENTS and to PUT YOUR SHOULDER TO THE WHEEL.  When we protest that WE HAVE WORK ENOUGH TO DO, we are reprimanded that WE ARE ALL ENLISTED.  Just when we think we're getting it right, we are given the directives LET US ALL PRESS ON and I'LL GO WHERE YOU WANT ME TO GO.  Finally, lest we are tempted to rest upon our laurels, we are instructed to PRESS FORWARD, SAINTS and SCATTER SUNSHINE (be sure to BYOB--Bring Your Own Basket for the sunshine).

Whew!  I'm weary just typing the titles of these lofty hymns with their equally lofty sentiments.

If you'll excuse me now, MY TIME IS FAR SPENT and I'm searching for WHERE CAN I TURN FOR PEACE.


  1. I can't heeeeeeeeear you (sing songy tone) I am humming my favorite hymn to clear my mind, your list was to much pressure!
