Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 109, September 9

Have you noticed the proliferation of commercials and magazine advertisements for physical conditions that used to be mentioned only in hushed tones or in a doctor's office?

There's vaginal dryness.  (Always of interest to menopausers.)  Now we can hear about the heartbreak of vaginal dryness when we're watching television with a group of friends. 

Then there's gas.  It always cheers me up to hear about others' gaseous problems.  Again, it's especially lovely to come across a commercial for gas relief when watching  TV with friends and family.

And let's not forget erectile dysfunction.  Now, women don't suffer from this problem, though our husbands might.  I particuarly like the warning that "if you have an erection for four or more hours, seek medical help."  No kidding!

Is nothing sacred any more?  Is nothing private?

Apparently not, as here I am blogging about these extremely intimate matters.  Ah, well.  They say the mind is the first to go.  I guess that includes inhibitions!

1 comment:

  1. Do men really need to be told to seek medical help after four hours of an erection? That's like the allergy warning I saw on the kids' chocolate milk. WARNING: CONTAINS MILK
    Really, Sherlock? I'm so glad you're here to tell us these things!
