Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 74, August 1

Those of us of in the MM age know that we face multiple medical procedures.  Most of these end with the letters "oscopy."  Foremost  are the endoscopy and the colonoscopy.  Both of these involve having tubes stuck in or up various bodily orifices.  I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of having tubes stuck up, down, in, or around my orifices.

My orifices are tender.  They are frequently dry.  And they resent the hell of being the playthings of doctors.

Still, we persist in doing these procedures for our health.  Have you noticed that we do a lot of unpleasant things in the name of health?  We exercise.  We eat food that our ancestors would have tossed in a heartbeat (i.e. rice cakes and sprouts).  We plaster our faces with masques desigined to tighten our pores and erase our wrinkles.  (They don't work, but still we do it.)

And now, at an age when we should be allowed to rest and recuperate from the rigors of childbirth and childrearing, we're told we need to be scoped.  Like so much about menopause, we grit our teeth and try to come up with a reason why this is good for us.

Ah, well,   Lie back and think of England.

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