Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 75, August 2

Does your mind ever stumble around like a drunken sailor searching for the right word when you're talking with others?  Mine does.  It fumbles and fumes (fumbilated) as it struggles to find the word it's looking for.   

In a word, I'm flustrated.  (Flustrated, of course, is a combination of flustered and frustrated.)  When I'm upset, I'm depissed.  (Depressed + pissed.)   I am in danger of becoming Mrs. Malaprop.

Ah, well.  My family and friends already think I'm croofy (crazy + goofy).  Good thing I can live with it.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it wonderful when we're having a fantabulous (fantastic+fabulous) day? I am often flustrated, now that you mention it, and I believe depissed should be added to the dictionary to more accurately describe a certain set of feelings!
