A friend sent me an email about overachieving moms at Christmas time. The intent of these overachievers seems to be to put the rest of us to shame. I know some of these moms and you know what? They make me tired.
They knit, they crochet, they sew. There are no store-bought clothes under the tree from these supermoms. They fashion hand-carved toys from scraps of wood and give them to the poor. They bake 15 dozen cookies for a cookie exchange and decorate each one individually. They cook lgourmet meals, host nineteen holiday dinners, and never gain a pound. (That, alone, is reason to hate them.)
They serve at soup kitchens, ring bells for the Salvation Army, and are the room mothers for their children's classes, organizing food drives for the area's needy and making sure that the children have a meaningful gift for their teacher.
Gem for the day: if you meet one of these moms, Taser her. (She may be contagious.)
Where did I put my bear spray? I thought the season was over, but apparently the danger is still very real and coming to a guilt trip near you!