Do your upper arms jiggle? Do they flapp in the wind? Mine do. They have been known to accidnetally slap my husband in the face when I gesture with them to make a point. (No, I didn't slap him on purpose.)
One of my grandsons touched my arm with a blend of awe and horror. "Grandma, why does your muscle hang down? My daddy's muscle is on top of his arm."
What to say? "My muscle grows in the other direction," I finally answered.
"Oh." He looked unconvinced.
I didn't blame him.
In the Mormon Church, we call these kind of arms "Relief Society arms." In the world, they are freuquently known as batwing arms. Ah, well. Relief Society arms or batwing arms, they can still hug a grandchild.
I like your answer! You could even get scientific. Say they're like stalactites and stalagmites. Daddy's grow up like stalagmites because he's so strong (might/mite). Mine grow down like stalactites so I can hug you tight (tight/tite).