Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 18, June 6

Do your emotions swing back and forth with the capriciousness of a Colorado spring?  Do they hit the high notes, then crash into utter despair?  Do you walk a fine line between being thought of as mildly eccentric and crazy?  Do you find solace in a tub of Ben and Jerry's?

If any of these struck a chord within you, take a bow.  You are normal.  Or at least what passes for normal.  One of my favorite sayings is, "Normal is just a setting on the dryer."

I believe all women are normal.  It's the people who surround us who are abnormal and cause the problems we experience.  We deserve sainthood, or at least cannonization, for putting up with husbands and children, other drivers, bosses, and a host of other annoying people.

I, for one, never doubt my sanity.  But I do doubt the sanity of my husband, who has been known to leave the toilet seat up, bring home guests for dinner when he KNOWS I don't cook, and says things like "You're old" to me in the middle of Sacrament Meeting (the Mormon Sunday service). I doubt the sanity of my children who think that mom is an ATM machine.  (The last time a child asked me for money, I pretended to pull open my blouse and said, "Let me check my bosom for any stray cash.)  I doubt the sanity of the garage sale vendor who expects me to pay retail price for an obviously used piece of clothing.

Yes, I doubt the sanity of many, many people.

Good thing I have my Prozac.

1 comment:

  1. I love the stray cash retort. I doubted the sanity of my mother-in-law when she came up to visit (unannounced), went to church with us, then sat down at the table and said, "What's for dinner?" I was about 7 months pregnant then, and it was the middle of summer. I set about making dinner. When it was served, she complained loudly about how it was so spicy, oh, it was too spicy for her! I'd had it. I tossed a box of pills across the table at her and said, "Take two Tagamet and shut up". Fortunately, she just laughed.
