Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 43, July 1

Much like pregnant women, menopausal women develop cravings.  My particular craving is for NOODLE's brand buttered noodles.  It has it all:  carbs and fat.  I can forego salt; I can even forego sweets.  But I absolutely crave carbs, especially carbs soaked in butter. 

It is one of life's ironies that at a time when a woman can least afford to indulge in extra calories that she is so tempted to overeat.  What an unkind trick to place upon already over-burdened menopausal women.  I'd rail at fate, but I know my rantings will make no differene.

So we exercise more.  Or we try to.  The other day, I decided to try a few jogging steps.  My right foot went down, and my new hip said, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I quickly apologized to my new hip and promised not to do anything so foolish again.  It forgave me, and we turned our jog into a slow walk, the best I can manage.

Ah, menopause, what cruelties have you in store for me next?

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