Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 51, July 9

Our town, Loveland, Colorado has a great Parks and Recreation Program.  Classes offered include such things as macrame (I am craft-impaired), swimming with tots (been there, done that), and executing a will (which would be fine if the last word were husband).

But where are the classes for menopausal women?  In an effort to be helpful, I composed a syllabus of classes with the following titles:

How to survive hot flashes when eveyone around you is freezing
Beauty tips for double and triple chins
Facial hair:  wax, pluck, or laser
Vaginal dryness:  lubricate or medicate?
and, my favorite,
What to do if you've accidentally murdered your husband:  7 ways to dismember a body without ruining your manicure

I feel qualified to teach each of these.  Though I have not had hands-on experience with the last, I feel sure I could come up with some creative solutions.

Well, there you have it.  My take on P & R classes for menopausal women.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would fall out of my chair laughing if I saw one of those course titles in the Leisure Times. Oops. Maybe I'd better read your other blog post again.
