Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 107, September 7

Did you ever feel that you're always a day late and a dollar short?  I do.  I can't seem to keep track of the days any more as they run together in a continuous blob.  (Or is that blog?)  I've heard this is a symptom of getting old.

I remember, years ago, looking at my grandmother, whom we called Mamaw, and thinking "She's old.  She's really old."  The trouble is, Mamaw, at that time, was the same age I am now.

Yes, I know.  I've heard all the hype.  Sixty is the new forty.  Forty is the new twenty-five.  And orange is the new black.  If we keep on that track, I might convince myself that I'm only fifteen and that orange is as slimming as black.  Once more, we have a problem.  You see, sixty isn't  the new forty and orange will never be as slimming as black.

Still, we menopausers buy into it.  Why?  Because we are desperately trying to find a way to not feel old.  So we have Botox injected into the wrinkles between our brows and Rejuvederm stuck in our laugh lines.  (Well, I haven't done it yet, but I'm tempted.  Really tempted.)

If you don't believe me, take it from Maxine:  sixty isn't the new forty and any self-respecting 40-year-old will tell you so.

1 comment:

  1. I'm nearly 40. Some days it feels like it might be the new 60!
